Sunday, 6 September 2015

My dreams and things I would like to do (no matter how big or small)

Ever sat and thought, really thought, about what you want to do in life? I don't mean career (although everyone's different, so for you it could be) I mean dreams or just what you really, really want to do at some point. Me? I ask myself this at least 20 times a day (maybe more some days) anyway I thought I would write them down. You know, the answers I've came up with.....

1. See Stonehenge (yep it is simple, but it seems to be at the top of my list).
2. Finish writing my books (this is turning out more difficult than I first thought, partly because I keep starting another one the minute I get a new idea).
3. Visit a leyline (do I need to explain this? Imagine the magical-ness).
4. Take pictures of waterfalls ( okay this is strange. I have visited a lot of different waterfalls throughout my life but I was not old enough to take my own pictures or did not have the means to).
5. Get my own artwork recognised.
6. Learn something new (this will forever be here because I love learning new things).
7. Learn to drive (because I am to chicken to go through with it!)
8. Open a book coffee shop (by this I mean.... A coffee shop that stocks and sells books).
9. Conquer my fears!

Okay, so this is mine, mostly. What would you most like to do?

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